Heyo Everyone! Join us as we go on a scary adventure in Neighbor’s new house! Yes, you read that right - NEIGHBOR GOT A NEW HOUSE. We're excited to announce the Secret Neighbor Easter Update has now launched, and is available to play. And before we go into any further details, check out the update trailer below! [previewyoutube=RuUB_jCr3WU;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]New Map[/h2] What have we changed on the new map? Literally everything. We carefully reworked the old concept and went through a lot of work to bring the best gaming experience to you: [list] [*] Decentralized the action points away from the basement door [*] Added more inner space in house architecture for better observation [*] Added more unique architectural elements for platforming + new moving platforms and ladders [*] Reworked the house progression [*] And more! [/list] Quick game button now leads you to the new house.. Which doesn’t mean that the old map is not accessible anymore. We provided the option to switch between maps in Custom games, so that everyone can play both maps there and make their own fair comparison. [h2]Neighbor’s in-game progression changes[/h2] The second big change was made to the Neighbor’s in-game progression. From now on, when playing as a Neighbor you don’t need to use bathtubs to unlock abilities. The reason we made this noticeable balance change was the systematic gameplay analysis. Based on the data we discovered that the majority of the players couldn’t unlock the second and third abilities, which made the entire gameplay loop very repetitive and simple. Now, when players have all the abilities unlocked from the start, the game plan is more unique for every single player and depends on your skills and creativity. We’ve also temporarily removed bathtubs from the map - they will be back once we figure out a better application for them. [h2]Egg hunt[/h2] A special Easter activity is waiting for you. Don’t forget - each egg grants you a coin at the end of the round. [h2]Easter costumes[/h2] As always, we’re glad to announce the latest arrivals to the customization pool - new Easter-themed costumes and hats! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32960256/9fa1179f59c211aef113ccbd66c22924fd3be581.png[/img] Additionally, we've implemented some measures that should drastically decrease the frequency of lobby freezes. Thank you for all of your wonderful support and feedback on Secret Neighbor! We are grateful to have such a caring, enlightening community, and hope future updates will bring even more fun, thanks to you. Catch you later! Follow us on social media: [url=https://discord.gg/ad8p7S]Discord[/url] [url=facebook.com/secretneighbor/]Facebook[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/tinyBuild]Twitter[/url] [url=instagram.com/tinybuildorange]Instagram[/url]