[b]SCP-323 V2 IS HERE! [/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830362/cdf923d37c118e76f4ccebbf1e9c8c4bd2e62d7a.png[/img][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830362/44ed284c628db0c944be3756ec69e8d0139ec479.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830362/0c92c1132b7eb1ca9a7d42f0fd866d2f27dd9fa2.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830362/d671cb010512f131035f517ea506be5d1d7b1a11.png[/img] We have been working on revamping SCP-323 to reflect the new level of quality and detail we are going for and are so excited to be able to share it with you all! This creature is one of our absolute favorites and we will be creating plenty of special finisher animations like we had in the trailer to strike fear into those who are unfortunate enough to be caught off guard by it. You'll encounter SCP-323 in multiple areas around the facility and it will definitely end up being something you want to watch out for since it's extremely tough to deal with. However, you will be equipped with certain tools and skills that will make each encounter very much survivable -- as long as you put some thought into it... [b]Environmental Concept Designs:[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830362/2ba91682dae1342c151464e2a471319486fee33b.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830362/962eaaebec4444633c2a47c7c7cccb863d1464f8.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830362/6cf4f7537b2216fa48cacb9bc49ae725644358f2.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830362/e6a71ab8325a6e7c2d510a5b2624d0845b44c436.png[/img] These are the new concepts for the Control Room and Observation Room environments that are part of the larger set that is currently being created for Chapter One. We have taken a lot of inspiration from Control and Prey and are really excited about how these zones are turning out! These zones are designed to be a mixture of a spaceport and some designated office areas since they are attached to the main space hanger that is used to transport people and goods off-world. For those curious, the concepts you see here are actually blockout 3D models that we directly use to quickly create the designs and then we take these and model them out fully in 3D, which allows the process to be very efficient and for a ton of really intricate details to be put in to bring these concepts to life in a very robust and memorable way. We will begin showing off some of the new environmental bits shortly and we are very proud of how they are coming along and cannot wait to hear what you all think of them! [b]What's Next?[/b] On the programming side of things, once the AI system is polished and ready to go, we will be focusing next on implementing the new player model and ensuring all the animations and movement are smooth and fluid-- basing a lot of the changes on the huge amount of feedback we got from the demo. After that, we will begin polishing the player and map mechanics so we can start getting playtesting started as soon as possible to ensure everything is feeling good before we move on to setting up the flow of gameplay in Level One. We will also continue to focus on increasing performance as high as we can possibly get it, and utilizing some new tools offered in Unreal Engine 5.1, we should be able to squeeze a good bit of extra performance through some new methodologies that were previously extremely unstable and have now been released as stable variations. On the 3D modeling side, we will be continuing to model out the environmental areas for Chapter One which you will see at the end of the month, ideally. We will also begin on the Baby for SCP-3199 and will more than likely have it nearly finished by the end of next month! Since we are also getting our motion capture suit back, you can expect to see more animations very shortly as well (especially for SCP-323 and 3199 Elder/Baby). We are going to have a lot of really cool updates to show off pretty quick here -- so make sure to check back often! Feel free to join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/3eBHnru You can pre-order your copy of the game here: https://hst-studios.pledgemanager.com/projects/scp-fragmented-minds/participate/