Hey everyone! We have begun developing a new system to handle quick-time event animations with different creatures in-game. This testing initially had a couple issues with arm clipping and other small problems, but we have since ironed out the issues and now have a great system to be used throughout the entirety of the game to have scripted and naturally occurring quick-time events to keep players on their toes. Below you'll find the newest set of win condition and failure condition animations for SCP-3199. [b]SCP-3199 QTE Win Animation: [/b] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b2d8d4_586640db96d1460ebf5d0b9a3033db2f~mv2.gif[/img] [b]SCP-3199 QTE Fail Animation: [/b] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b2d8d4_2abc488efb8d413cafa25bf66d91bf6d~mv2.gif[/img] We're very excited to begin expansion on this new system and cannot wait to show off more fun environmental interactions like this! [b]As always, you can still support the game on Kickstarter if you want to help support development which you can find here: [/b] https://hst-studios.pledgemanager.com/projects/scp-fragmented-minds/participate/ [b]Players can also find our official Discord server here: [/b] https://discord.gg/3eBHnru [b] Please consider adding the game to your Steam wishlist too, and thanks for your amazing support! [/b]