[previewyoutube=lyur-eoJFk0;full][/previewyoutube] [b]DevLog #1:[/b] Tomorrow (6/2/2021) at 11:30 AM PST/(UTC−08:00) we are releasing our first-ever DevLog where we go into exactly what Fragmented Minds is, as well as show off some cool videos and images about what you are going to be seeing and facing in the game. The video will go live in about 20 hours here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyur-eoJFk0 [b]Website Overhaul/Development Blogs:[/b] We have completely overhauled our website (https://www.hstgamestudios.com/) so make sure you go check that out and bookmark it, as we will begin to start doing development news posts on a weekly/bi-weekly basis, so make sure you don't miss those! We will also be adding an entire section dedicated to showing off the creatures as well as our description of how they will behave towards you in-game. In general, the website will serve as the hub for all information about this game in an easy-to-read format. [b]This Months New SCP:[/b] We are happy to announce that our newest creature added to the game can be seen below, and we will be adding a ton more! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37830362/ae29c7136766790e5358802013da228510768c86.png[/img] [b]Patreon:[/b] We are incredibly excited to be seeing an uptrend in our patronage and interaction we have with our Patrons, so please support the project if you like what we do here, and want some cool in-game stuff to show people that you had a huge impact in making this come to life! https://www.patreon.com/hststudios Please make sure you wishlist us here on Steam so you can get notified of all our announcements and get the game in either Early Access or on launch!