[b]Demo Launch Info: [/b] Those words are probably some of the most exciting three words I can ever write, but I am happy to announce that we are launching a demo either at the very end of October or early November for beta and bug testing. This demo will be available to those who donate $50 and above and the beta key will [b]NOT[/b] expire so you will have access to it even if you stop donating. The demo will be pretty early access and will feature our test environment and other environmental blockouts at first, with access to all the mechanics and SCPs as well as weapons that will make their way into the full demo. You will have the opportunity to playtest with us directly and give live feedback about what you like and don't like, as well as any suggestions for mechanics or map design. It's a fantastic opportunity for those who want to leave a tangible mark on the game for all to see and experience. [b]Get Demo Access: [/b] If you are excited and want to secure your demo access now, go ahead and subscribe to the Chaos Insurgent ($50) tier or above on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/hststudios All the other tiers will get access to the demo but the first release will be going to our $50+ patrons to keep testing contained and get really good feedback from our most active players. We will set up a form on our website to submit bug information, as well as on our Discord, which is where most of the live testing will take place. You can join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/3eBHnru