[b]New Features and Content:[/b] [list] [*] Added a second ending: You now have a choice between two different game finales. [*] New questline: Explore a new series of tasks that unlock access to a closed location. [*] Horror elements: New frightening moments have been added to create a tense atmosphere and enhance the overall experience. [*] Arcade machine activated: The arcade machine is now playable. [/list] [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*] New achievements added: Extra rewards for those aiming to complete the game 100%. [*] Dispatcher room dialogue revised: The dialogue has been reworked for deeper immersion and atmosphere. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed auto-resolution bug: Issues with proper screen resolution recognition have been resolved. [*] Fixed puzzle answer bug: Now, when the correct item is thrown at Zarja, she responds correctly without interrupting her dialogue if the item was thrown at her. [*] Animation adjustments: Some animations have been updated for smoother and more realistic movements. [*] Graphics settings fixed: Graphics settings have been improved for better performance. [/list] We read all your feedback and are aware that many players have commented on the unprofessional voice acting. We’ve already made arrangements with a voiceover studio and are currently casting actors for the roles of Laska and Mikhail. According to our plans, by the end of October, we’ll release a patch with new Russian voice acting. The English voiceover will also be updated later. Additionally, we plan to fully localize the game into Chinese. We’ll provide updates on all these developments soon! In October, we will begin developing the next part of our game series, Satellite Odyssey! Stay tuned for updates! Thanks to your reviews, we learn about bugs and shortcomings in our game! If you encounter any issues during your playthrough, please reach out so we can fix them! Links: [url=https://t.me/SatelliteOdyssey]Telegram[/url] [url=https://vk.com/satelliteodyssey]VK[/url] [url=https://www.twitch.tv/sergeykaretnikov]Twitch[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/t9g5PyVrRy]Discord [/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/@SatelliteOdyssey]YouTube[/url] [url=https://satelliteodyssey.com/]Website [/url]