Hi everyone! Multiplayer is off to a great start in [b]Sapiens[/b], it’s amazing seeing the impressive builds and screenshots being posted around the community, and I really appreciate all of the feedback, reviews and kind words of support. This update focuses on improvements for when you are working together, with a new “Share Storage” setting which allows you to share the same settings and send/receive orders. It also makes it easier to see when you have restrictions on your storage areas and sleds, and fixes the issue causing many mods to fail to work. From here, I’ll be releasing on the unstable branch for a while, as I’m working on larger features including new content like canoes and fishing. I’ve also been working on a feature packed new roadmap, so that will be out soon! -Dave New in [list] [*] Better support for storage/resource sharing in multiplayer, making it easier to work together. The tribe relationship settings "Take Items" and "Store Items" have been replaced with a single "Share Storage" setting. When two player tribes both have this set, all their storage area restrictions, special orders, and send/receive orders will be shared between both tribes. [*] Storage area pegs are now colored yellow for "remove all" orders, and white sides and/or top to represent take/store permissions. [*] Sleds now have rails which also display this information, and tool racks and shelves display it too. [*] Fixes bug where the enabled mods list was not saved correctly, resulting in modded worlds failing to load [*] The light effect for other players in multiplayer now moves smoothly [*] Adds "logChat" config.lua option to log all chat messages server-side [/list]