It’s time to pack your backpacks, stalkers, the Perimeter entrance will be open soon. We are ready to reveal what awaits those who pre-ordered S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl in the Zone, in addition to anomalous gratitude from our team! [img][/img] [b]Pre-order bonuses: [/b] [list] [*] “Veteran” Rifle [/list] [img][/img] [img][/img] “I'll make it, whatever it takes. I'll buy my own house... near the river, at the forest edge. No more radiation, no more beasts, no more freaking bastards.” [list] [*] “Tourist” Suit [/list] [img][/img] [img][/img] The former owner of this suit had an excellent understanding of weight distribution and echeloning of equipment. Redesigned pockets, a corset that relieves the back, additional pouches and a travel backpack allow you to carry more weight, which is very handy during long raids into the Zone. [list] [*] Unique “Stalker” Backpack [/list] [img][/img] Exclusive backpack model with an Early Bird patch. [list] [*] Campfire content [/list] Guitar tunes & Additional stories