[h1]TIN CAN ALARM[/h1] This month, we're adding the Tin Can Alarm, a new primitive trap made from hanging tin cans. [img]https://files.facepunch.com/paddy/20240729/tincan_alarm_02_1080p.jpg[/img] [img]https://files.facepunch.com/paddy/20240729/tincan_alarm_06_1080p.jpg[/img] Crossing its wire will trigger the trap and cause a loud clatter, alerting anyone nearby to your presence. You can deploy it anywhere from your base to inside monuments. Use it strategically to cover access points and defend your positions. [h1]REPLICATED BUSH SOUNDS[/h1] This month, we are changing how the classic bush rustle sounds work. Bush sounds will now be audible to players around you. Just like with footsteps, you now need to take care of when you make noise in bushes. Going slower through a bush makes a quieter sound than when running through it. [img]https://files.facepunch.com/paddy/20240731/bush_sounds_01.jpg[/img] This change will also cause the rustles made in hot air balloon tarps to be audible to players nearby, and operates in the same way as the bushes. [h1]UNDERWATER ITEMS[/h1] [img]https://files.facepunch.com/Errn/1b3011b1/chrome_6klbgq2xDw.png[/img] Dropped items that end up in bodies of water will now sink more realistically instead of just dropping like they are still falling through air. As well as slowing down and getting shifted around by currents they will also emit some bubbles as they move and when they hit the ocean floor. This should make finding these items a little bit easier. [h1]ZIPLINE IMPROVEMENTS[/h1] We’ve made several changes to the powerline zipline system this month to make it a bit more pleasant to use. [list] [*] Ziplines will now pick the furthest possible destination instead of the closest [*] We’ve increased the maximum length a zipline can run from 150m to 185m [*] Ziplines can now terminate at a higher point on the powerline structure and will pick these higher destinations when possible, reducing the amount of climbing required to continue the zipline. [*] You can no longer get dismounted by trees when on a zipline. We already had several systems in place to prevent trees spawning in zipline paths, but it still happened very rarely. [/list] These changes should result in longer, higher ziplines that are safer to use. [h1]NPC VENDOR PRICE CHANGES[/h1] After looking over the data from last months wipe, it was clear that the dynamic vendor pricing system wasn’t operating as well as it could have. It tended to drop to 50% off all items relatively quickly in the wipe. We’ve made a couple of changes this month: [list] [*] Price changes now operate in real time rather than based on in-game time. This should be more understandable and will work correctly on servers that manipulate in-game time. [*] Price changes now take place every 5 real time hours. Last month the prices changed every 15 minutes in real time by default, so this will make the prices change much more slowly. [/list] As usual we’ll keep an eye on this and make changes going forwards. [h1]QUALITY OF LIFE CHANGES[/h1] [h3]Trains break barricades[/h3] Trains can break through barricades that are deployed too close to the tracks. [h3]Bike fast turns[/h3] Hold the Crouch key while driving to perform a faster turn [h3]Sidecar bike physics[/h3] Sidecar bikes now drive more like regular motorbikes. [h3]Horse terrain holes[/h3] Horses can now enter terrain holes - Train tunnels, the launch site ramp etc. [h3]Fire mode switch[/h3] Switching your gun firemode will now play a sound. [h3]Storage Adaptors collision[/h3] Can now walk through Storage Adaptors attached to boxes. [h3]Hurt screen overlay toggle[/h3] Can now turn off the blood on screen when getting hurt. [h3]Saved code lock input[/h3] The last entered code is now saved between sessions. [h1]SHOCKBYTE X RUST - PARTNERED SERVER HOSTING[/h1] We're extremely excited to be partnering with [url=https://shockbyte.com/partner/SBRUST]Shockbyte[/url] for managed server hosting rental! [url=https://shockbyte.com/partner/SBRUST][img]https://files.facepunch.com/ashcook/1b1811b1/Artboard%201.png[/img][/url] After seeing their work with the Minecraft community, and hearing great things from existing Rust users, we've decided to partner with them in an official capacity - endorsing their stability and reliability. You can enjoy full file access, full customization, and oxide support. [url=https://shockbyte.com/partner/SBRUST][img]https://files.facepunch.com/paddy/20240726/shockbyte_toolcupboard_01.jpg[/img][/url] [h2]Promotional Offer[/h2] As part of the promo, [b]new customers[/b] can receive an in-game Tool Cupboard skin [url=https://shockbyte.com/partner/SBRUST]by renting a server of any tier[/url]! Once your new server is delivered Shockbyte will send you information about how to get your sweet freebie! [img]https://files.facepunch.com/paddy/20240726/shockbyte_toolcupboard_05.jpg[/img] [img]https://files.facepunch.com/paddy/20240726/shockbyte_toolcupboard_06.jpg[/img] [img]https://files.facepunch.com/paddy/20240726/shockbyte_toolcupboard_08.jpg[/img] [h3]Here's Shockbyte's story so far:[/h3] [i]"Born from a passion for multiplayer gaming in March 2013, Shockbyte has become a leading provider of game server hosting. Over the past decade, our team of dedicated gamers has delivered reliable multiplayer servers worldwide to over 700 thousand customers. Since October 2019, we have supported the Rust community, continuously improving our services based on feedback. Our mission is to simplify game server hosting, allowing absolutely anyone to create their own multiplayer community with ease. With a growing network of global locations, comprehensive DDOS protection, and a commitment to 100% uptime, Shockbyte has become a trusted provider for Rust communities. We understand the complexities of server hosting and are beyond thrilled to now offer our expertise in a partnered capacity with Facepunch. We believe this is the most exciting era for gaming and are proud to provide community-driven hosting opportunities. By harnessing player feedback we’ve recently completely revamped the hosting experience and we’re extremely excited to be soon rolling out this new modern experience alongside our partnership with Rust. Our top-tier global hardware and robust DDOS protection ensure the Rust community receives only the best multiplayer support. At Shockbyte, our focus is on delivering an enjoyable online experience, committed to innovation and excellence."[/i] We look forward to hearing about your experiences with their servers and you can get the skin by signing up to any level of hosting through [url=https://shockbyte.com/partner/SBRUST]this link[/url] or use the button on the in-game menu!! [h1]TWITCH DROPS![/h1] Here we go again! We have worked in a group of your favorite Twitch Streamers and Youtubers that you might recognize! [h2]August 8th - August 18th, 2024[/h2] [url=https://twitch.facepunch.com/][img]https://files.facepunch.com/Errn/1b0111b1/td_33-blog-image.jpg[/img][/url] Be sure you get synced up at [url=https://twitch.facepunch.com/]https://twitch.facepunch.com/[/url] so you don't miss out!