Mixing Table Update
Author: holmzy,
published 4 years ago,
We've added a mixing table to create teas which provide time limited boosts as well as other items to craft, conditional roof tiles, a wooden barricade and an armoured passenger module for the vehicles along with various other fixes and improvements.
[*] Added triangular roof pieces
[*] Added conditional roof corners
[*] Added armoured passenger module
[*] Added MidiConvar system
[*] Wooden Barricade Cover
[*] Added Mixing Table
[*] Added Boosts system
[*] Added berry plants
[*] Added Tea items and recipes
[*] Fixed several server DOS attack vulnerabilities
[*] Fixed several hack / exploit vulnerabilities
[*] Fixed server browser copy / pasting the query port instead of the connection port
[*] Fixed roof weak side detection (now receive increased damage when hitting them from the inside)
[*] Fixed inside/outside checks sometimes returning outside when a vehicle was actually inside (fixes indoor decay rate)
[*] Attempted fix for cars getting stuck in thin colliders (may still happen, let us know)
[*] Fixed cars and minicopters being unusable on load if the game was saved while they were starting their engines
[*] Fixed car collisions with horses not always registering if hit at high speed
[*] Fixed explosion forces not always knocking cars around if the car was empty and stationary
[*] Fixed cars sliding sideways in a weird way when stopped on slopes
[*] Fixed server-side projectiles (autoturrets, NPCs) sometimes being able to shoot into armoured modules
[*] Fixed hot air balloon collider being present even when the balloon is not inflated
[*] Fixed "SwitchedParent Missed horse.corpse" server error spam
[*] Fixed skins not showing on third person models for bone club and bone knife
[*] Fixed hostile UI marker appearing in demos
[*] Fixed skins not appearing on thrown satchel charges
[*] Fixed crafting menu appearing when moving camera down in demo mode
[*] Fixed incorrect body shadows when wearing the bunny onesie
[*] Fixed players standing up briefly when getting shot while seated
[*] Fixed being able to set the fov to 0 while on a boogie board or inner tube
[*] Boogie Board and Inner Tube will now take damage from thrown weapons
[*] Improved server performance for large farms
[*] Fixed getting dismounted while flying low over AirWolf on HapisIsland
[*] Fixed supply drop flying away after getting hit by projectiles
[*] Fixed spiral stairs not adding to upkeep and decay costs
[*] Fixed tesla coil receiving damage through walls
[*] Better audio bundle layout (build time optimization)
[*] Vehicle lift bounds updated so it can now fit in a smaller T-shaped area
[*] Engine internal items no longer decay along with the car, and take 50% less damage when the engine module is damaged
[*] Reduced car collision damage by 50%
[*] Cars on a powered vehicle lift no longer decay
[*] Collisions with humans or animals now apply a force and damage back to the car itself
[*] Individual panels on car modules now have their own gibs
[*] Increased ability to drive vehicles up steep slopes
[*] New carstats console command gives admins detailed info about all the cars in the world
[*] Running forwards while deploying a Boogie Board will now apply some forward movement to the board
[*] Hostile UI marker will only show when within 200m of a safe zone
[*] Doors will now check for vehicle blockages while opening
[*] Sunburn DLC Pools can now accept salt water
[*] Reduced bone arrow thickness
[*] Vehicle parts crate now spawns with two vehicle components
[*] Removed middle building pocket from horseshoe cave (Balance)
[*] Water pumps are now faster and each pump yield more water
[*] Above ground swimming pool HP increase
[*] Multiple sell order balance cost changes
[*] Removed animation from water/fluid pump
More details can be found on the [url=https://rust.facepunch.com/blog/mixing-table-update]link[/url]