[img]https://files.facepunch.com/buck/2017/06/165header.jpg[/img] The Rocket Factory nears lift-off, Hapis island's future, skin and network optimizations, [url=http://rust.facepunch.com/blog/devblog-165/]and more.[/url] [list] [*]Fixed bright code lock lights even when off and inside [*]Optimized entity query when leaving a network group [*]Optimized GC allocations from client side entity group switching [*]Lowered maxtickspersecond to 300 (from 1000) [*]Increased maxpacketspersecond to 1500 (from 1000) [*]Added updatebatchspawn convar (faster receiving data on spawn and respawn) [*]Added fully asynchronous texture loading for skins [*]Added more details to combat log when rejecting attacks [/list]