[img]http://files.facepunch.com/buck/2017/03/151stm.jpg[/img] Loadout lockers, optimisations, fixes, [url=http://playrust.com/devblog-151/]and more.[/url] [list] [*]Fixed invisible LR-300 worldmodel bug [*]Flashlight lod updates [*]Crossbow world model uv fixes [*]Reduced mesh compression on weapon world models [*]Rocket launcher world model uv fixes [*]Sound creation optimization [*]Physics sounds are quieter unless the impact is pretty hard [*]Lower vertex counts on Stone & Sheet Metal tiers [*]Added multithreaded mesh batching [*]Added better profiling [*]Fixed workshop skin memory leak [*]Fixed plant material memory leak [*]Optimized workshop skin loading [*]Added “itemskins” convar to disable workshop skins [*]Made network cells more granular [*]Optimized client side plant entities [*]Fixed craft canceling sometimes losing resources when inventory is full [*]Dense bushes have an extra LOD [*]Heli always strafes with napalm if target has no TC access [*]Lowered cost of AutoTurret [*]Autoturret parts found in purple crates + towns [*]Lowered cost of flame turret [*]C4 won’t stick to Decor Deployables [*]Decor Deployables can only be picked up with TC access + hammer equipped [*]Out of Stock Vending machines show up as red on the map [*]Fish provides animal fat [*]Fixed being unable to place walls next to a metal shopfront on a triangle foundation [*]Fixed SAR buff/SAP nerf reversion [*]Fixed Harbor 2 not showing up on map [/list]