Devblog 144
Author: Buck Sexington,
published 7 years ago,
We've added a new revolver, fiddled with farming, re-animated the game, optimised, [url=]and more.[/url]
[*]Player model aim better representative of where player is aiming
[*]Optimized player animation
[*]Can see when other players are using ironsights
[*]Improved wolf sounds
[*]New sounds for python revolver
[*]Sound mix tweaks
[*]Optimized client side player entity rigidbodies
[*]Resource spawns check for players and constructions in a radius
[*]Junkpiles check surrounding terrain when spawning
[*]Fixed server errors when shooting junkpiles
[*]Improved spawn handler respawn rate using multiple retries (easier balancing)
[*]Allowed “graphics.shadowmode 2” on quality level 2 and above
[*]P250 damage falloff increased
[*]Added Python
[*]Plants visibly grow over time instead of snapping to their next stage
[*]Can take clones of plants
[*]Plants have genetics shared by clones
[*]Plants always have a small seedling visible when planted