[img]http://files.facepunch.com/buck2017/January/05/crpd142stm.jpg[/img] Sorry, but the patch has been delayed to Friday. Here's devblog 142 to tide you all over until then. Our New Year's resolution is to add harbours, improve performance, wipe the servers, [url=http://playrust.com/devblog-142/]and more.[/url] [list] [*]Slowly fade in death screen instead of suddenly appearing [*]Added renderinfo diagnostic command (windows) [*]Fixed torch worldmodel high vert count [*]Fixed hatchet worldmodel high vert count [*]Fix burlap phys impact voice limiting [*]Stricter voice limiting on bullet flybys [*]Fix bear footsteps not playing when a bear is running and turning [*]Sound occlusion can't be disabled via the console [*]Ambience polish [*]Added harbor monuments to the world generation [*]Updated various monument assets [*]Building optimizations [*]Gib optimizations [*]Fixed tree base snow piles not culling [*]Fixed bypassing forced shadows with console [*]Fixed bunker room building exploits [*]Fixed god mode exploit [*]Fixed construction creation message exploits [*]Fixed high external wall placement exploit [*]Added object instancing optimizations [*]Fixed player rock LODs [*]Added Distance Culling to Beds [*]Added Distance Culling to Pookie [*]Added Distance Culling to Rock [*]Fixed ParticleSystems eating up cpu when disabled [/list]