[img]http://files.facepunch.com/buck2016/December/15/140steam.jpg[/img] We're still working on the official servers. Meanwhile, here's devblog 140, with planters, Santa, [url=http://playrust.com/devblog-140/]and more.[/url] [list] [*]Fixed water occasionally not visible when exiting caves [*]Fixed billboard shadows in OSX/GL [*]Added culling to projected cave decals (performance) [*]Fixed some minor server side line of sight verification issues [*]Fixed pumpkin and santa hat being invisible [*]Fixed partially harvested ore nodes showing up as fully intact [*]Fixed cave building exploits [*]Reduced networking MTU size from 1430 to 1400 [*]Added periodic position updates with server side verification to projectiles [*]Fixed projectile ricochet verification issues [*]Fixed parts of the bear corpse not being harvestable [*]Tweaked weapon reload verification [*]Fixed endless vm bandage bug [*]Fixed vm flamethrower flickering hand bug [*]Added clothing world models [*]Updated santa hat art [*]Added Large Planter [*]All plants must be placed atleast 0.5m of eachother [*]Plants now have a placement guide [*]Enabled Holiday Content [/list]