[img]http://files.facepunch.com/buck2016/December/08/hdr139s.jpg[/img] Fixes, optimisations, the very far future of AI… and we got rid of Legacy. [url=http://playrust.com/devblog-139/]All in the latest blog.[/url] [list] [*]Fixed explosive damage through walls [*]Added culling volumes to military tunnels [*]Stricter high external gate terrain placement [*]Reduced cave prevent building volumes [*]Stricter line of sight anti hack [*]Added server side reload time verification [*]Added batching to various commonly placed objects [*]Added support for doors to batching system [*]Fixed debug camera anti hack exploit [*]New sounds for m92 [*]Ambient sound polish [*]Rotated c4 in c4 viewmodel [*]Updated supply signal viewmodel [*]Tier2 Loot table distirbution normalized [*]Mace is cheaper [*]Salvaged Sword is cheaper [*]Custom SMG is cheaper [*]Hemp has minimum placement distance [*]Stuck projectiles keep alignment with their attack vector rather than surface normal [*]Shorter sprint blocking duration when using melee [*]Sprint block happens when melee strike happens instead of windup (more responsive) [*]Repairing items requiring components are no longer free to repair. [*]Sheet metal recycles into more resources than before [/list]