[img]http://files.facepunch.com/buck2016/October/13/stmhdr131.jpg[/img] Get spelunking! Caves are on prerelease. Also, the MP5 is now in game, the LR300 is craftable, [url=http://playrust.com/devblog-131]and more.[/url] [list] [*]Updated bota bag vm anims [*]Fixed certain entities sending network updates before they were spawned [*]Held entities always destroy immediately (stop following pooled / destroyed parents) [*]Fixed pumpkin not shown on player after initial use [*]Added mesh renderer support to player clothes pooling [*]Added find_entity / find_id / find_group / find_parent admin commands [*]Fixed players motion blur visible behind walls (regression) [*]Fixed moon rendering black to reflection probe [*]Fixed moon darkening when closer to the horizon [*]Fixed foliage displacement missing some spots (wip) [*]MP5 Added [*]LR300 Craftable [*]Silencer sound range reduced to 40m (was 100) [*]Silencer now hides tracers [/list]