[img]http://files.facepunch.com/buck2016/August/25/steamishdr124.jpg[/img] The LR 300 Rifle is now in the game! Plus a look at the reworked Bone Armour and Lighthouses, sleeping bag tweaks, [url=http://playrust.com/devblog-124]and more.[/url] [list] [*]Enabled entity pooling by default on 64 bit systems [*]Enabled sound pooling by default on 64 bit systems [*]Optimized entity realm list access on client and server [*]Optimized door animator initialization when entity pooling is enabled [*]Load balanced building block skin creation [*]Load balanced destruction of all client side entities [*]Added entity pooling support to storage boxes [*]Added experimental player mesh pooling (pool.players, disabled by default) [*]Fixed expensive UI rebuilds whenever a player or sleeper was received [*]Fixed expensive UI rebuilds whenever a shot was fired [*]Fixed several “Can not play disabled audio source” warnings [*]New collectable pickup sounds (mushroom, stones, stumps) [*]New research table sounds [*]Fixed a bug where some sounds wouldn’t play with sound pooling enabled [*]Misc sound tweaks & polish [*]Fixed bug where sleep anim would sometimes play when the player jumped in/out of water [*]Optimized ragdoll visibility updates [*]Fixed see through walls caused by Motion Blur or TSSAA [*]Fixed terrain shadows [*]Fixed skin lighting [*]Fixed visual artifacts on some glsl challenged drivers (OpenGL) [*]Fixed stretched river flows on Hapis [*]Fixed god rays when revz is enabled [*]Added deferred mesh decals [*]Increased flashlight emission point brightness [*]Decreased flashlight beam brightness [*]Fixed invisible helicopter gibs if destroyed far away [*]Added LR300 [*]Sleeping bags are pickupable [/list]