[img]http://files.facepunch.com/buck2016/July/14/steamhead.jpg[/img] Changes to the XP system means the Official servers will be wiping XP and maps to get everyone back on a level playing field. Community servers can revert if they choose to. Apologies, but it needs to be done. Aside from the XP stuff, we're rebooting gunplay, building sexier airfields, [url=http://playrust.com/devblog-118/]and more.[/url] [list] [*]New hitbox system (clothing no longer affects hitboxes) [*]New weapon damage model (more predictable body damage multipliers) [*]New projectile weapon hit detection (best-fit hit detection for reliable results) [*]New clothing and armor protection system (less random protective properties) [*]Animals now also use detailed hitboxes with damage multipliers [*]3rd person pre-throw animations for rock and spears [*]Fixed bug with eyeballs popping out when holding construction planner [*]Large furnace no longer placable in water [*]Fixed dropped weapons not changing ownership [*]Fixed flamethrower particles bouncing around [*]Small water catcher uses tap collider for +use (instead of entire object) [*]No more double xp from breaking objects you have looted [*]Added xp.reseteverything command for server owners to reroll characters [*]Crossbow vm anim updates [*]Fixed head clipping through Wolf Head Dress [*]Fixed base design exploit that was immune to rocket damage [*]Fixed rare cases where building could be blocked everywhere [*]Fixed an exploit to place objects though rocks [*]Fixed helicopter exploit using glass windows of monument buildings [*]Fixed water purifier interaction issues on server restart [*]Fixed rare AntiHack false positives from legacy code [*]Fixed rare AntiHack projectile verification false positive [*]Added server.branch convar (forces certain branch for connecting clients) [*]Updated EAC [/list]