[img]http://files.facepunch.com/buck2016/June/16/stmhdr800.jpg[/img] Improved decay, smarter deployable repairs, and the return of Garry. We've also got a look at upcoming 'barren' maps, radiation seeping back into the world of Rust, and a release date for the upcoming [url=http://playrust.com/devblog-115/]XP system.[/url] [list] [*]Changed decay of most deployables to 2 days delay and 2 days duration [*]Changed decay of boxes and furnaces to 2 days delay and 4 days duration [*]Changed default decay tick interval to 10 minutes [*]Most deployables can now be repaired [*]Fixed incorrect collision meshes on twig roof sides [*]Terrain collision is now always reset when admin cheat is toggled [*]Added server side client tick flooding protection [*]Added maxflood server convar (allowed player ticks per second) [*]Player position ticks are now processed as a curve on the server [*]Added noclip_protection mode 3 (verifies movement on position curve) [*]Added noclip_stepsize and noclip_maxsteps server convars [*]Increased strictness of fly and speed hack detection [*]Improved color grading performance [*]Improved ambient occlusion performance [*]Added back river flow [*]Added river foam [/list]