[img]http://files.facepunch.com/buck2016/June/09/dungeons_art_078hdr.jpg[/img] Decay improvements, an update on the XP system, dungeon art, [url=http://playrust.com/devblog-114/]and more.[/url] [list] [*]Hapis/Savas Maintenance update and bug fixes [*]Fixed large scale occlusion (graphics.lso) not working in some cases [*]Fixed various false positives with flyhack_protection set to 2 [*]Changed the flyhack_protection default value to 2 [*]Added server side melee attack verification (distances, line of sight) [*]Added lag compensation to server side projectile firing rate [*]Changed decay.scale convar to affect both delay and duration [*]Added decay to more deployables [*]Opening storage containers resets decay on them [*]Doors only reset decay on building blocks that belong to the same building [/list]