[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44950742/d91ebfe63eb53ba8dd44f3fd2b5e2decd3019449.png[/img] [b]Introduciiiing The QUALITY OF LIFE Update![/b] [list] [*] [b]Controls Menu[/b] located in the pause menu, where you can remap everything to whatever you want. So if you wanted to play mouse only or just want a more comfortable setup, now's the time. [*] [b]Dice Quick Selection[/b] hotkeys can be found in the controls menu too, so you can instantly skip the whole dice face selection. There's a button for highest, middle and lowest face. [*] You can now also immediately confirm your dice selection by pressing the [b]roll key[/b]. [*] In addition to that, you now get a [b]1 second pause timer[/b] whenever dice upgrades pop up in Mayhem Timed. [*] Mayhem [b]no longer gives you multiplier curses [/b]until you reach shop tier 4 (the one that costs 500). [*] Some more bugs fixed, and an improved screen resolution system. [*] [b]Cloud Saves[/b] are dropping tomorrow. [/list] Some very special new content is coming next week. Not saying it's a new location, but it could definitely be one. And if so, it would be a very special one. And it would come with a new song too. And a new cosmetic. And of course a new artifact. And also...