With the release of Rockhopper I feel it's important to let you know of some future updates planned for the game. I wasn't able to fit everything I wanted into the game before release so I've planned out 3 new updates that will be coming in the following weeks and months. [h2]Update #1 - Stats Update[/h2] I love stats and I know I'm not the only one who does. Rockhopper is already tracking many stats, a few of which you currently see at the end of a run. But I'm also compiling these lifetime stats and others in the save file. This update will include a new section on the main menu that will let you view how many tiles you've mined across all your runs, broken down by tool type. Along with how many hazards you've triggered, runs you've completed / failed and more. [h2]Update #2 - More Levels[/h2] There are currently 3 types of levels in the game: [olist] [*] Mine X amount of a resource [*] Recover an item [*] Crash landing, which is a combination of both of the above [/olist] In the more levels update I plan on adding 2 more level types: [olist] [*] Rescue - where you will have to search and rescue for survivors of a downed space ship [*] Investigate - where you will search for a mysterious signal and uncover it [/olist] [h2]Update #3 - More Tools[/h2] I have several more tools in the works that I would like to add to the game. I'll be more vague here but I do want to expand the tool set available to players to add some more varied gameplay. If you have any ideas of a tool that might be fun feel free to send it my way. That's it for the current development roadmap, thanks for following!