[h2]THE HEADLINES[/h2] [list] [*] This update prepares Rocket League for upcoming NASCAR and Formula 1 content [/list] [h2]CHANGES AND UPDATES[/h2] [b]Arena Rotation Adjustments[/b] [list] [*] Salty Shores (Night) added to the rotation in all Playlists [*] Reduced frequency of some arenas in the rotation (Wasteland, Farmstead) [*] Neon Fields and Forbidden Temple (Day) have been removed from rotation until additional revisions can be made [/list] [b]General[/b] [list] [*] Made it clearer which items cannot be traded to other players while on the Trade In page [/list] [b]BUG FIXES[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an EOS cloud sync error that was preventing some players from accessing item inventory [*] Fixed a bug causing players to join the incorrect Private Match [*] Fixed the “Add Players” pop-up that was appearing far more frequently than intended [*] Fixed appearance of Anispray Rocket Boost [*] Friends List appearance will now scale correctly with the rest of the user interface [/list]