[h3]Greetings, all Visicons![/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44449160/c22fcfc83b014d6d7ad6ed0d23e0f706fa8c1531.png[/img] Firstly, this update is a small update fixing various bugs. What is more important and exciting is [b]Roboom's roadmap[/b] for the coming couple of months! Co-op is indeed planned to arrive at the start of November and many features are coming to lay the foundations for the co-op. [h2]Patch Notes for v0.4.8.4[/h2] [h3]⤴️Improvements: [/h3] [list] [*] Manipuloid health increased by 50% to a more reasonable level. If Seraphos appears at level 20, he will also have this health. [/list] [h3]🛠️Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Further performance improvements [*] Fixed player drifting on when talking to Visicons in HUB [*] Fixed DualSense and DualSchock controllers, as well as Steam Input sometimes not working [*] Fixed game soft-locking when pausing during the first Beacon of Qut event [*] Fixed a possible bug when pausing game during weapon selection [*] Fixed enemy healthbars remaining on screen when player is defeated [*] Fixed Roboomerang exiting out of arena [*] Fixed audio stereo for various sounds in the game [*] Fixed leaderboard screen for Ultrawide and other screen resolutions [/list] [b]If you have any suggestions for co-op or any other features, feel free to share! [i]For Our Vision, Never Give Up![/i][/b]