[Demo] Patch Notes for Build 0.1.134
Author: Adam @Kwalee,
published 1 year ago,
Thanks for all your excellent feedback regarding the latest Robobeat demo. As a result of this feedback we have made and will continue to make improvements to Robobeat and the Robobeat demo ahead of launch.
Of course, movement is massively important to gameplay. Wall Jumping is now 50% smoother and more responsive. Combat is important too, parrying feels waaaay better.
The machines have been hard at work building a new tutorial room to learn combos! You can track your progression on the starting room walls too.
Frazzer’s mansion is now cleaner, renders better and is generally a better place to be.
We have made some cool and much needed changes to the player settings. You can now save keybind configurations, increase camera shake with the all new CSM3000 (Camera Shake Multiplier) and even adjust your headbobbing/headrolling thresholds.
We even fixed a few minor bugs that our super rad community helped us find!
Thanks again for all your feedback. Please keep this coming. Wishlist Robobeat and [url=https://discord.gg/BqNxQb9DEq]join our Discord[/url] if you haven't already. As always, stay tuned to our socials for updates.
[*] Gameplay: Improved the smoothness and responsiveness of walljumping.
[*] Gameplay: Added a small tutorial room specifically designed to teach combos.
[*] Gameplay: The starting area now visually indicates progression on the walls.
[*] Gameplay: Parrying is a bit harder, but feels better.
[*] Visuals: Upgraded rendering system for clearer visuals.
[*] Data-Chip: Data-chips now have different rarities and allows for more decks.
[*] Data-Chip: Slightly balanced some of the data-chip cards.
[*] Progression: Adjusted the order of unlocks in the game, this affects the demo slightly too. For example; the electric shock is no longer unlockable, unless you already have it unlocked in your save-file.
[*] Settings: Saveable keybindings.
[*] Settings: Camera shake multiplier
[*] Settings: Headbobbing / Headrolling toggles
[*] Feedback: Added a quick YES/NO question, pops up one time and then never again.
[*] Fixed various bugs and glitches.