500x_myst_movie.jpgPuzzling adventure game Myst, the best way to show off your bad-ass new CD-ROM drive in 1993, may be the next video game to get a big screen adaptation.

According to a report from Deadline, Cyan Worlds' adventure game series has been optioned for "live action film treatment." Producers Hunt Lowry (Donnie Darko) and Mark Johnson (The Chronicles of Narnia) have partnered with Mysteria Film Group, which secured film rights to the Myst franchise last year, in an attempt to bring the franchise to movie theaters.

Does that mean a Myst movie will actually see the light of day? Maybe. Maybe not.

But the filmmakers say they will draw from the Myst game and a series of novels that served as companion pieces. They're looking for a screenwriter now.

Computer Game 'MYST' Gains Movie Steam [Deadline]