[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//2480908/2f3eca10a0d3c2a9373e24d2ebc85abf6d05a064.jpg[/img] Hello, Ascended! We are joining the global celebration of World Water Day, shedding light on the vital significance of freshwater worldwide. What better way to commemorate this occasion than with an engaging water-themed quiz? [b]How can you participate, you ask?[/b] Simply [url=https://forms.office.com/e/0GXyvJfZgq]click here[/url] to climb aboard on the quiz journey! Answer each question with precision and flair to stand a chance of securing a splendid reward! [b]And what about rewards, you wonder?[/b] The top three (3) Ascended who demonstrate mastery by answering the most questions correctly will be bestowed with 3,000 Credits each! Dive in without delay, dear Ascended, and honour the profound importance of water in our lives! [url=https://forum.glyph.net/terms-of-participation-contest-en/]General Terms of Participation apply[/url]. [url=https://www.trionworlds.com/rift/en/community/world-water-day-detailed-information/]Detailed information[/url]. Your RIFT Team