[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//2480908/4b80f0cfd063f6dfdedfee6723f7b5d104ffa81e.jpg[/img] Hello, Ascended! Welcome to World Environment Day! Let’s celebrate this occasion by having a fun quiz to raise awareness of environmental issues and the need for sustainability! [b]How can I take the quiz?[/b] Taking the quiz is as simple as [url=https://forms.office.com/e/36VXHHz8x3]clicking here[/url]! Make haste, the quiz is only available until June 12, 2024, 2 PM UTC. [b]What are the rewards?[/b] Up to three (3) Ascended who answered as many questions correctly as possible will receive 3000 Credits each! Winners will be announced on June 17, 2024. There is no time to waste, Ascended, jump to the quiz to earn great rewards before it’s gone! [url=https://forum.glyph.net/terms-of-participation-contest-en/]General Terms of Participation apply[/url]. [url=https://www.trionworlds.com/rift/community/world-environment-day-detailed-information/]Detailed Information[/url].