[img]http://www.trionworlds.com/rift/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/06/Eiahn-blog.jpg[/img] We want to share this blog by Eiahn of the Gaiscioch Family - it's great to read about RIFT through the experience of a new player! "I had never played an MMO before and barely even paid attention to them. To be honest, I was convinced they were not for me and that I would not enjoy playing them. Oh, how I was wrong... I was so wrong..." Welcome to Telara, Eiahn - we hope you stay with us for many years to come! [url=http://magazine.gaiscioch.com/columns/through_a_game_junkies_eyes_the_discovery_of_rift.html]Check out the blog here[/url] on the Gaiscioch site!