[u]The Plane Facts is a regular feature created to keep you up to date on everything RIFT. We’ve scoured the forums, social networks, and fansites to bring you the latest info on the things you care about and what the dev team has been working on.[/u] [b]TOP STORIES[/b] [list] [*][url=http://www.riftgame.com/en/game/updates/spoils-of-war.php]Update 1.2 “Spoils of War” has arrived![/url] Read up on all the great features the new update has to offer such as the Looking for Group tool, Slivers – the first 10-man instanced raid content in RIFT, a 5th role for your character, crafting rifts, appearance slots, facebook integration, the list goes on and on! For the full patch notes [url=http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.php?185421-RIFT-1.2-Spoils-of-War-5-10-11-NA-11-5-11-EU]check the forums[/url].[/*] [*]The [url=https://www.riftgame.com/en/products/ascend-a-friend/]Ascend a Friend Program[/url] and [url=https://www.riftgame.com/en/products/mmo-free-trial/]Free Trial [/url]are now live! You or your friends can check out RIFT free for 7 days – as an added bonus, recruiting your friends via the Ascend a Friend program also earns you awesome rewards! (Such as an adorable Corgi…I mean dog, named Courage)[/*] [*][url=http://www.youtube.com/user/RiftMMO#p/a/u/1/JmsBATRTD3o]Telara has its own weather girl [/url]– we’ve launched the latest round of ads for RIFT, you’ll see them on TV and across the internet![/*] [*][url=http://www.riftgame.com/en/game/updates/spoils-of-war-prelude.php]Spoils of War brings with it a small event with new daily quests[/url] – fortunately the team over at [url=http://www.riftjunkies.com/2011/05/10/spoils-of-war-daily-quests/]Rift Junkies has put together a helpful guide to get you started![/url][/*] [/list] [url=http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.php?189277-The-Plane-Facts-Issues-03&p=2405533#post2405533]Read the rest @ The Official RIFT Forums![/url]