[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/63dfc4cd1365cc0e52a56eb66aa9bfcc18ae498a.jpg[/img] It’s as hot as a fire Rift outside, which can mean only one thing - it’s time for Summerfest in Telara! Running 07/12 – 08/02 and sporting a fantastic new tropical Tiki theme, Summerfest will get you through the heat in Island style! Grab a wild mask and jump on a surfboard for the best in summer fun! RIFT’s annual summer holiday event, Summerfest is back! This year it runs from Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 3:30 PM PDT until Thursday, August 2, 2018 at 3:30 PM PDT. Even better, it will be available on both RIFT and RIFT Prime. Turn on the fan, spray some tropical scented oil around and escape the heat with us! [h1]Summerfest Activities[/h1] Summerfest offers several activities for all walks of Ascended: [list] [*]Scavenger Hunts[/*] [*]Swarmlord Khargroth Battles[/*] [*]Seasonal Quests[/*] [*]Artifact Piñatas[/*] [*]Mitch the Artifact Attractor Minion Questline (if you’ve already done this in previous years, it will not be available)[/*] [/list] [h1]New for Summerfest 2018![/h1] [h1]Earn the Following Cool Items with Event Tokens:[/h1] [list] [*]The coveted Cosmic Seals with stats: [list] [*]Hallowed[/*] [*]Mysterious[/*] [*]Coveted[/*] [*]Tough[/*] [*]and Stalwart![/*] [/list] [/*] [/list] [h1]New Summerfest Mount[/h1] [list] [*]Island Surfboard[/*] [/list] [h1]Brand New Summerfest Dimension & Dimension Items[/h1] [list] [*]Key to Dimension, Island Cove – the ultimate breezy, warm seaside beach, awaiting your footprints![/*] [*]Summerfest Kit: Island Hut - for snuggling in at night (and to store your surfboard)[/*] [*]Summerfest Kit: Tiki Bar – a definite must-have![/*] [/list] [h1]New Summerfest Companion Pets[/h1] [list] [*]Brooster[/*] [*]Red Parrot[/*] [*]Blue Parrot[/*] [/list] [h1]Great New Cosmetic Wardrobe Items[/h1] [list] [*]Playful Ears: Choose from Bunny, Fox, Cat or Deer[/*] [*]Kelari Spiritcaller Headdress[/*] [*]Farclan Warchief Headdress[/*] [*]Mischievous Island Headdress[/*] [*]Fierce Island Mask[/*] [*]Intimidating Island Mask[/*] [*]Mystical Island Mask[/*] [*]Island Mask Backpack[/*] [*]A bunch of boisterous Tiki-themed cosmetic weapons! [list] [*]Island Axe[/*] [*]Island Cudgel[/*] [*]Island Shanker[/*] [*]Island Warglaive[/*] [*]Island Staff[/*] [*]Island Greatsword[/*] [/list] [/*] [/list] [b]PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING HOT NEW ITEMS WITH CREDITS![/b] [b]New Wardrobe Items![/b] [list] [*]Island Dancer Regalia[/*] [*]Swarmlord’s Insectoid Wings (bugs get bigger in the tropics, right?)[/*] [/list] [b]Dimensioneers gain a wide range of new Summerfest items![/b] [list] [*]Two Tiki Bars, Three Tiki Torches, Four Tiki Totems – Tiki Tiki TIKI!!!![/*] [*]Summer Globe Lights in Blue, Green, Orange, Purple and Red, perfect for your beach party![/*] [*]Beach Umbrellas in several colors[/*] [*]Beach Chairs for when you get tired of dancing[/*] [*]Five hammocks to choose from for the ultimate in comfort![/*] [*]Fishing Net fence[/*] [*]Seashells, because of course you need seashells for your beach![/*] [*]Starfish – wait, is one of those twitching?[/*] [*]Three Taro plants – decorative use only, do not attempt to eat (or let us know how it goes if you do)[/*] [*]Short Wood Surfboard[/*] [*]Rough Wooden Surfboard[/*] [*]Polished Wooden Surfboard[/*] [*]White Defiant Surfboard[/*] [*]White Guardian Surfboard[/*] [/list] [b]SPECIAL NOTES FOR LIVE/PRIME:[/b] Live players will be able to access the event section of the RIFT store RIFT Prime will only have access to content in the original zones. Prime subscribers will be able to purchase most of the Summerfest items from vendors in Sanctum and Meridian.  The Nightmare Squirrel mount may drop from the final bosses of Expert Dungeons on Prime during this event! [h1]What is Summerfest?[/h1] You may be wondering about the origins of Summerfest. While some of the history is lost to time, many scholars believe that Summerfest dates back to ancient elven rituals involving burning sacrifices inside wicker figures. Of course, most elves would prefer to forget these barbaric references to their past. In fact, such practices are now forbidden by both High Elves and Kelari alike, although sometimes alluded to by disgruntled Dwarves. What remains in modern Telara is a celebration of flames for all Ascended to enjoy. Summerfest is now the holiday that marks the longest days of summer in Telara. Ascended continue to celebrate ancient traditions and have fun, even in the sweltering heat. This helps lighten the distract celebrants from the stress of the near-constant threats against Telara. So don’t be late! Just like summer itself, the festivities won’t last long. Play RIFT or RIFT Prime and don’t forget to check out the seasonal in-game store for even more Summerfest goodies!