[img]http://www.trionworlds.com/rift/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2016/09/D1_SFP5_blog.jpg[/img] When the beast descended from the heavens, the dragon, that ancient and glorious serpent, Maelforge, granted it his power, and his seat, and great authority. And the Alaviax worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and thus they worshiped the beast also, saying, [u]"When the star that falls upon Telara, who is able to make war with the newborn beast?" Revelations of Ananke 56:13[/u] When Mount Pyre was sundered, and the Tartaric fissure released the imprisoned, this revelation of the Oracle of Aia was first heard. The pit fiend Ananke may have been cast by the gods into the Plane of Fire, but she retained all her ability to scry the vast tapestry of fate. Her revelations have allowed the Alaviax devils to seize control of the plane from the powerful Wantons of Maelforge, and now their apocalyptic prophecies indicate that the great beast is fated to return, in soul if not in body. Is this the Starfall Prophecy that spells doom for Telara? Tasuil the dragon will accompany you as you wind your way through mountain passes of the condemned lands, to the gates of Ananke’s Temple. It is a massive burning edifice, providing all who approach ample warning of the elemental challenges within. You have been charged with stopping the devil prophet from releasing the power of Maelforge and empowering this Beast of the Apocalypse. But beware, to encounter such powerful evil, and leave with your own soul intact will truly defy fate itself. [b]A Simple Problem[/b] Guarding the entrance is Gristlespit, a hulking, horned monstrosity. Not the cleverest of creatures, Gristlespit has been chained to the first gate in the path to Ananke’s temple, both to guard the access and to punish him for his gluttonous love of the rotted wine of mortal blood. Proceed with caution! Only a fool would mistake his failing for weakness. Gristlespit is a powerful and vicious combatant who grows stronger with his drunken rage. Yet, it is that very rage that a clever Ascended could use against him. [b]Taking Refuge[/b] Killthraxus the imp is a student of the revelations of Ananke, a fiery preacher of the Apocalyptic vision of the end of days. And it is certain that the passages he quotes from his high pulpit do soon come to pass. Brimstone rains downs and fiery corruption pours forth from the mouths of long dead seers. The congregation of the condemned land of Ashenfell immediately set upon any apostates that dare journey so far into this flaming temple. Perhaps you are strong enough to resist the plagues and misfortunes that Killthraxus calls forth from his unholy book, but if so, he will descend from his pulpit and deal with such mortal unbelievers as you in person. [b]Her Right Hand[/b] If you survive the rabid sermon of the imp Killthraxus, you will soon find yourself before the dreaded Lord Draveneaux, named The Scalebreaker. He leads the Alaviax of Ashenfell, once under the vicious rule of Maelforge. While they had to respect the serpent’s power, hate and fire, they will not allow themselves to be ruled by dragons again. Lord Draveneaux will see to that. You have entered his sanctum of pain and torture, where he breaks the will of any dragon that is foolish enough to fall into his trap. Perhaps your scaled companion should have been less hasty to join you. Perhaps this fiery land has made him overconfident in his own power. If Lord Draveneaux and his dragon thralls have their way, Tasuil will become the latest addition to the loyal flight of dragons under the sway of the Alaviax devils. [b]The Soul of a Dragon[/b] When the Ascended defeated the great fire dragon Maelforge in the heart of Mount Carcera, they had no idea that his soul would return to its home plane. Condemned for his sins against the cosmos, the dragon’s burning soul has already caused a rebellion in flame. Now it has been collected and prepared, ready to be bestowed upon the Beast that will lead the Apocalypse. Once released, the soul takes form as the essence of burning flame, Maelfernus, a being fated to corrupt all souls that dare face it with the searing essence of the Plane of Fire itself. Are you capable of halting the eruption of the Wanton souls, unbound by flesh, empowered by fate, or will the revelation of Ananke come to pass? [b]The Final Countdown[/b] The pit fiend Ananke is one of the most powerful devils of Ashenfell. Cast into the Plane of Fire for her defiance of the gods, she bears a deep hatred of mortals such as you, and has long manipulated fate to ensure that the prophecy of Telara’s apocalyptic doom shall come to pass, even if she must take a direct hand in its destruction. If you are powerful enough to avert the end of times, to best all these devils and dragons of the condemned lands of the Plane of Fire, then you will have broken the prophecy, and destroyed the revelations of Ananke. However, this is not the end for you. The Oracle will never allow a mortal apostate to leave her temple after committing so great an insult. It is said that only mortal heroes such as yourselves have the power to defy fate. If this is true, then you are our only hope against this prophecy that dooms us all! We lay our lives at your feet, Ascended, and await your victory, or our doom.