[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/cdae3a32db79db58e73c5a9157be844c1f8d4eff.jpg[/img] Greetings Ascended, We appreciate your patience as we take some time to solidify plans moving forward. There are a ton of moving parts involved in the transition from where we were to where we want to go, and it’s going to take us a bit of time to navigate all of the changes required to keep Telara and its denizens happy with the world we’ve called home for so long. With our smaller team we’re still working out the details on what future content updates will look like. While plans are being made for the future, we’re going to be focusing the team on implementing Quality of Life improvements for RIFT in the short term. We can’t share specifics yet because there's still work being done behind the scenes to build a strong foundation for the future. It’s on this foundation that all future updates will be built. This includes examining the health of our shard populations and looking at ways to make sure all of our players have the best possible experience in game. If you have specific feedback on the kinds of quality of life changes you’d like to see, be sure to share them with us! It would be very helpful to get a sense for what you feel are your main pain points. We just wanted to take another moment to thank you for your patience as we’ve been working behind the scenes to get things stabilized. More news will be coming down the road so please bear with us a while longer. -The RIFT Team