[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/48a87a5388780be03d1dfc4df50a945cef9066e3.jpg[/img][b]Go Back to Where It All Began! [/b]A brand new type of server is coming to RIFT on [b]March 7[/b]. Are you ready to take a journey through RIFT’s history? Over the years, nostalgia begins to waft its siren’s call, and we start to long for the good old days, when life was new and all possibilities lay before us. The RIFT Prime service is here to answer that call! We first started talking about a new server type in 2017, and formally announced RIFT Prime in our [url=/rift/?p=3956]Development Letter[/url]. The first Prime server will return us to the launch of RIFT, when the level cap was 50 and all of the great Dragons awaited. Over time, we will unlock new content and levels together! There are no boosts, no supply crates, no equipment, no bags on the RIFT Prime in-game store. This is the world of RIFT before Free-to-Play!   [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/2530048ce45dc84c883cc08f543d9b33cbb8547f.jpg[/img] [b]The RIFT Primogenitor Pack[/b] Available on Steam starting on launch day (March 7th) at $29.99, the RIFT Primogenitor Pack contains: [list] [*]30 days of Patron access for the purchaser[/*] [*]2 voucher codes for 15 days of Patron access each (30 days total). Invite your friends to play, apply it to your alts or use the time yourself![/*] [*]A mount out of the ordinary: Armored White War Tiger[/*] [*]A title exclusive to Prime players: Primogenitor[/*] [*]Cloak of the Void[/*] [*]A new Prime portrait frame[/*] [/list]   [b]RIFT Prime is a Patron-only feature.[/b] If you have Patron status via recurring subscription, buy it with REX or receive a limited-time Patron pass, you can access Prime and Live. At the end of the Prime server’s cycle (not yet determined), you will be able to transfer your Prime character to a Live server.   Be sure to join us on this [url=https://www.twitch.tv/trionworlds]Friday’s RIFTstream[/url], where we will talk about all things Prime! Friday, February 23, 11:30 AM PT (19:30 UTC) – we will simulcast on Twitch, Facebook and Twitter. Travel back in time with us and begin your journey. We can hardly wait to greet you there! ~The RIFT team [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/30d6ef6f40b9122bdea2c50df40a59008d33325b.jpg[/img]