[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/41b46b89a8ef348fccf68a93b42f312673f91c51.jpg[/img] The new Primalist Souls are under development. We know you’re all eager to hear more -Brasse has captured a wild Keyens to spill info! This Friday, we’ll talk about the upcoming Primalist Souls… what are they? How are they being built? How will they compare, contrast and most importantly, synergize with the existing Primalists? While the new souls are still a work-in-progress, we have a lot of interesting information to share, and Keyens will be happy to take your Primalist questions as well. Post ’em right here, or tweet @RIFTgame before midnight on Thursday! While we’re at it, we’ll show you the gorgeous new Valentine’s Day items in RIFT! We are proud to offer a gift option healthier than wine and chocolates for your special someone. Host: Linda “Brasse” Carlson Guest: Chris “Keyens” Meyer RIFT LIVESTREAM http://twitch.tv/trionworlds