[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/f1a970bf9bbcc6f2be6e0cc8ac735ce36df7ae9c.jpg[/img] [b]RIFT 4.4: Hotfix #18 6/27/2018[/b] [h1]== LIVE SERVER NOTES ==[/h1] [DIMENSIONS] [list] [*]Fixed an issue that put Guild Dimensions in a state where the active guild dimension could not be changed. [/list] [LFR] [list] [*]Fixed an issue causing your FPS to substantially drop over time if the LFR window is left open. [/list] [WARDROBE] [list] [*]Fixed an issue that caused some weapons to be displayed with the wrong colors when applied as a wardrobe. [/list] [b]RIFT 4.4: Hotfix #18 6/27/2018[/b] [h1]== PRIME: VIGIL PATCH NOTES ==[/h1] [BANK VAULT] [list] [*]Fixed an issue allowing you to use extended bank vaults even though they were invisible. In accordance with this, YOU GET A VAULT. AND YOU GET A VAULT. AND YOU GET A VAULT! (Vault 1’s extended storage is now available for everybody). [/list] [EXPERT DUNGEONS] [list] [*]The rate of Expert gear tokens is temporarily doubled! [/list] [RAIDS] [list] [*]Items [list] [*]The rate of Raid gear tokens is temporarily increased by 50%! [*]Raid currency now always drops on a personal loot roll whether or not player receives a piece of gear on that roll. [/list] [*]Greenscale’s Blight [list] [*]Hylas has instituted a new open door policy on Greenscale’s Blight and allows the Ascended to walk right into the open front door to get murdered by a tree. [*]The odds of getting a relic quality drop from Greenscale has been doubled. [*]The chances of chase item drops from Greenscale has been greatly increased. [/list] [/list]