[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/f1a970bf9bbcc6f2be6e0cc8ac735ce36df7ae9c.jpg[/img] [b]RIFT 4.4: Hotfix #15 6/6/2018[/b] [B]== LIVE SERVER NOTES ==[/B] [GENERAL] [LIST] [*] Upon logging in for the first time in this hotfix, you will be automatically added to the Events chat channel. If you would like to leave, you can leave it via normal methods. You can also no longer speak in this channel. [/LIST] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/f1a970bf9bbcc6f2be6e0cc8ac735ce36df7ae9c.jpg[/img] [b]RIFT 4.4: Hotfix #15 6/6/2018[/b] [B]== PRIME: VIGIL PATCH NOTES ==[/B] [GENERAL] [LIST] [*] Upon logging in for the first time in this hotfix, you will be automatically added to the Events chat channel. If you would like to leave, you can leave it via normal methods. You can also no longer speak in this channel. [*] The extended bank vaults are no longer visible and unavailable for purchase. [/LIST] [RAIDS] [LIST] [*] Gilded Prophecy: Slightly reduced Thalguur’s HP. Also slightly reduced Uruluuk Shrine’s HP. [/LIST] [ITEMIZATION] [LIST] [*] The Cleric shield “Bulwark of Boundless Power” now has proper tanking stats. [*] “Verdant Slayer” can now drop for Rogues off of Johlen in Greenscale’s Blight. [*] The level 32 gear from World Gear merchants (Iron Pine and the Adventure Dealer) no longer have Set Bonuses. [*] The crafting mats for Mighty Powersurge have been adjusted to be consistent with Brightsurge Vials. [*] Some new gear for level 50 players has been added to the Adventure Dealers in Sanctum and Meridian. [/LIST]