[img]http://www.trionworlds.com/rift/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/09/primalist-header.jpg[/img] When you leap Into the Wilds in RIFT 3.4, the Primalist will be waiting. Those following this brand new calling will need to harness their fury and cunning to unlock their primal power. [img]http://www.trionworlds.com/rift/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/09/1.jpg[/img] [h1]Fury and Cunning[/h1] The twin poles of Fury and Cunning lie at the heart of the Primalist Calling. Dedicated primalists will need to find harmony between the two, balancing abilities that will push them toward one extreme or the other. Where the Primalist falls on the continuum will change their abilities, skills, and more. Vulcanists for instance, can greatly benefit from being full of Fury. In this state, their enormously powerful Skill Shot becomes an instant-cast, a boost from the six seconds it would normally take. Conversely, when at maximum Harmony, their Stroke of Brilliance deals a huge amount of damage. Careful management and thoughtful selection of abilities allows both to be used at appropriate times. [img]http://www.trionworlds.com/rift/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/09/2.jpg[/img] [h1]Gearing for Battle[/h1] Clad in leather vestments and wielding brutal two-handed weapons, Primalists are devastatingly powerful when equipped with gear that enhances their dexterity. They will often be seen carrying ranged weaponry, but not necessarily using it in combat. Often, these weapons have mystical or totemic significance that Primalists believe will make them stronger, more capable fighters. [img]http://www.trionworlds.com/rift/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/09/3.jpg[/img] [h1]Primal Spirits[/h1] At the pinnacle of each soul tree lies the Primal Avatar ability. Primal Avatars allow the Primalist to evoke the strength of the spirit animal unique to their soul’s calling. When used, the Primalist dons a spectral mask that grants them an enormous, but temporary burst of power. [h1]Souls of the Primalist[/h1] [list][*]Berserker Leaving a wake of dead in their path, Berserkers slake their bloodlust by drawing enemies into a whirlpool of blood and rending foes in two with devastating, cleaving strikes.[/*] [*]Titan Much like the giants of myth, Titans use their raw Fury to withstand huge blows. Cunning Titans, on the other hand, can react quickly enough to preempt incoming damage.[/*] [*]Dervish Swift as the wind, Dervishes do best in face to face combat with opponents. Whirling into action, they make full use of both Fury and Cunning and swing effortlessly between each extreme. [/*] [*]Preserver Embodying the capricious nature of fae forest spirits, Preservers channel healing magic to nourish allies. They frequently use both Cunning and Fury, often expending their stored energy to unleash potent heals. The more abilities used, the more powerful heals become! [/*] [*]Typhoon Much like their namesake, the Typhoon’s sweeping attacks can devastate entire groups of foes. By wisely rotating between abilities and strikes, they can power up their next attacks.[/*] [*]Vulcanist Vulcanists channel the force of an erupting Volcano to rain fire down upon foes. Fury powers up many of their attacks, although a state of Harmony can also be advantageous for some abilities. A Vulcanist cares little for Cunning, preferring a more direct approach to dealing damage.[/*][/list] Primalists will be here with RIFT 3.4: Into the Wilds, set for release in Fall 2015. Get yours today as part of The Wilds Pack, or wait until release when it will be available for 5250 credits. With their control over Fury and deep wells of Cunning, nothing can stand in the way of a skilled Primalist!