[img]http://www.trionworlds.com/rift/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2016/04/grim-header.jpg[/img] One of the greatest strengths of RIFT over the last five years has been its amazing community, and the stellar individuals who share their efforts with their fellow players. In celebration of 5 years of RIFT, we’re highlighting these Pillars of Telara , and this time the spotlight falls on [url=http://youtube.com/GrimGamingRift]GrimTheGamer[/url]! [b]Ocho: What's your name in game?[/b] Grim: Most people know me as Grimok@Wolfsbane ingame. I have a max level of every class that all have a variation of Grim as the beginning of the name. [b]Ocho: What class is your favorite?[/b] Grim: My favorite class is Warrior. I love playing melee and having people panic when you start attacking them in PvP because you are right in their face letting them know they are in trouble. [b]Ocho: How long have you been playing RIFT?[/b] Grim: Two years ago is when I first started getting serious about Rift. [b]Ocho: What initially got you interested in RIFT?[/b] Grim: I initially was in the Open Beta but was addicted to another game based on endgame PvP at the time. A bit over two years ago I saw a video by Bajheera showing him doing low level quests in Rift and that got me wanting to check it out again. Once I took part in the Player vs Player, I was hooked. [b]Ocho: What's your favorite RIFT moment? What experience do you remember most fondly in RIFT?[/b] Grim: It was in Storm Legion when I felt like PvP was at it's peak during my playtime. It felt like skill and decision making was the main deciding factor in combat rather than hitting a simple burst rotation. During that time, I used to go to the Conquest map for Steppes of Infinity and hang out on the rooftops of the structures. I had rules to my combat. If you didn't wish to fight (you are in a CQ AOE spec and can't defend yourself) then you could leave without dying as long as you didn't try to score points at the objectives. If you attacked or tried to get points, then that was telling me you wish to fight me to the death. I had some of the funnest moments then with people attacking me with three of their friends, and I still won at times when people would just dance with me because they knew I wouldn't attack if they didn't attempt to get the objective. Interacting with the players like that rather than just blind attacking was so much fun. I even made a video about it called Rooftop Duels. [b]Ocho: What made you want to create videos for RIFT?[/b] Grim: There was a moment when Tempest Warrior became very strong in PvP combat. I hadn't been in the game very long but I knew I wanted to make a video showing off how good it was before adjustments were made to the spec. I did some livestreaming of me playing Tempest Warrior and then edited the footage into a video for a Youtube montage/guide. The reception of my first video blew me away. I had over a thousand views overnight and no one even knew who I was. With so many people telling me that they learned a lot from it, I decided to make guides for players just beginning PvP. People often get intimidated by PvP combat because they can't do their normal PvE rotations in a fast-paced and ever-changing atmosphere of fighting other players so I wanted to help break that wall. The first step is always convincing people that PvP and PvE are completely different and can't be played the same. [b]Ocho: What's your favorite part of RIFT, why does that aspect of the game draw you in?[/b] Grim: The crowd-control in Player vs. Player combat is what really got me. In many other games you can be stunned, snared, confused, disarmed, and polymorphed over and over. It seems that the the goal in those games is to see how long they can take you out of the game rather than promoting action in the game. In Rift, the crowd control immunities are such a blessing. If you are stunned, you are immune to another stun for a short amount of time. That allows more action to happen and that makes it much more fun for me. [b]Ocho: How has doing videos changed how you look at RIFT?[/b] Grim: It made me see that there are so many people that need and appreciate someone willing to help put them on the right track. Many veteran players that think that people need to start at the top level like they have attained but that is not the case at all. Players new to the game need builds and guides to get them get started and not make it hard to learn. The newer players that message me saying how my videos have helped them has made me love being a part of this game even more. [b]Ocho: What's your favorite experience in RIFT most people miss? What should they go out and try?[/b] Grim: Make your own builds and macros for your characters! Many people read guides on the forums or watch videos like mine to play a build that they stick with for a long time. Make it your own! Use existing guides as a starting point but then change around points to other things you'd like to have more. Are you fighting other players but dying too easily with a build you got from another player? Well that player may have much better gear than you and can survive harder hits. Change the build to have more points into a tank soul. Many guides put things in macros to make it easier for people to learn but as you get more experienced you should take things out to use those abilities or spells individually. Take your build and macros into your own hands and make it work for you. [b]Ocho: What tips or advice do you have for someone getting started with Videos?[/b] Grim: The biggest and most important tip I could ever give is to let people see you and the passion you have for the game you are playing. The more people feel like they know you, the more connected they will feel. If you show you are passionate about the content you are creating then people will ride the wave and be passionate right with you. Secondly, I tend to keep my passion positive since negativity tends to bring people down. People generally don't want to feel worse after watching your videos. With those two tips, your channel will grow I promise. Once it grows enough, you will get people that love what you do but you will also get some haters no matter how much you try to avoid it. Let the haters hate and keep doing what you love to do. You foundation has to be good video and audio quality. If people notice your video is hard to see because of low resolution or your voice is hard to hear then they will often quit watching within ten seconds. As you go along, always try to make your video and audio quality better. You'll notice most of the top Youtubers have crystal clear webcams and freely scream into their microphones at exciting moments without it being hard on the listeners' ears. That is due to great equipment and settings. There are cheap alternatives for those new to video-making so take advantage of the resources you have and try to get the quality as refined as possible. [b]Ocho: What would you like to see for the next 5 years of RIFT?[/b] Grim: People often watch my videos and think that I'm all for separation of PvP and PvE but that isn't the case. I would like to see it taken to a much more grand scale. I'd love to see large scale PvP that might open dungeons for PvE players. Maybe PvE players could kill raid bosses and that would unlock high favor granting warfronts. It'd be nice to see us all work together for common goals! [b]Ocho: Thanks Grim![/b]