[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/7eb1221fc8c016c1fc189a9455f5cb3b9b7467bb.jpg[/img] KelariCuddles is at it again, this time with a Grandfather Fae Yule community dimension contest! In honor of Fae Yule, [url=https://www.twitch.tv/kelaricuddles]KelariCuddles[/url] is hosting a community dimension contest! From now until January 31, 2018, create a dimension worthy of Grandfather Fae Yule. This contest is open to players on both EU and NA. [h1]Objective[/h1] Grandfather Fae Yule has to live and work somewhere right? You have the option of either making Grandfather Fae Yule's workshop, his home, both, or even his summer home where he hides when he does not have bahmi crushing his lap. It’s up to you! You’re the interior designer for this bearded bogling! [h1]Dates[/h1] [list] [*]Dimensions should be closed until January 31, 2018 at 11:59 PM PST[/*] [*]Dimensions should be open by February 1, 2018 at 12:00 AM PST[/*] [/list] [h1]Prizes[/h1] [list] [*][b]1st Place[/b] [list] [*]30 Day Patron Pass[/*] [*]Spectral Carriage Mount[/*] [*]Hootie Pet[/*] [*]Dimension Cache[/*] [/list] [/*] [*][b]2nd Place[/b] [list] [*]30 Day Patron Pass[/*] [*]Spectral Carriage Mount[/*] [*]Dimension Cache[/*] [/list] [/*] [*][b]3rd Place[/b] [list] [*]30 Day Patron Pass[/*] [*]Spectral Carriage Mount[/*] [/list] [/*] [/list] [h1]Rules[/h1] [list] [*]This is a personal dimension contest only, and fresh build. There are no dimension limits, you can use any dim key, any item amount, go crazy to your hearts content with the item choices.[/*] [*]No groups allowed, this is just what one person creates. The prizes are individual, so would hate for you to figure out who gets what. So easier to make it an individual challenge.[/*] [*]One entry per person please. All entries must be submitted via this thread.[/*] [*]All entries must stay closed until January 31st 2018 11:59pm PDT, dimensions should be open by Febuary 1st 2018 12:00am PDT. If they are not, you will be disqualified.[/*] [/list] All submissions will have screenshots taken and posted on twitter, but the submissions will also be lived streamed by KelariCuddles. [h1]Judging Criteria[/h1] [list] [*][b]Theme:[/b] (10 Points) Can we tell this dimension has a Grandfather Fae Yule living in it or his workshop. This contest is all about our favorite bearded bogling.[/*] [*][b]Composition:[/b] (25 points) How much of the dimension key did you use, how cramp is the down, is there plants, is everything spread out, does it mesh well or look like a Pollock paint with rift items.[/*] [*][b]Skill:[/b] (5 points) Did you use pre made buildings or did you make things from scratch?[/*] [*][b]Creativity:[/b] (30 points) How creative was the person? How much detail is in the dim? Did we find anything unique, hidden? Secret rooms?[/*] [*][b]Preference:[/b] (10 points) This is the judges score, how much did they personally like your dimension.[/*] [/list] [h1]How to Enter[/h1] Before the deadline, go to the RIFT forums and post your Name, Shard, Dimension Name, and Dimension Description to the [url=http://forums.riftgame.com/game-discussions/dimensions/499243-grandfather-fae-yule-dimension-contest.html#post5325194]official Grandfather Fae Yule Dimension Contest thread[/url]. Show the community your very best and make a great place for Grandfather Winter to rest until next year’s Fae Yule! [url=http://www.trionworlds.com/rift/en/2017/12/07/fae-yule-2017-is-here-dec-7-jan-4/]Fae Yule[/url] lasts until January 4, 2018, so enjoy the magic while it lasts! Happy Holidays, Ascended!