[img]http://www.trionworlds.com/rift/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/07/summerfest_blog_header.jpg[/img] This summer is hot, hot, HOT! We’ve got just what you need to cool down indoors, with our yearly Summerfest event! Summerfest runs from Friday, July 21, 2017 until Friday, August 11, 2017. It offers a lot of fun traditional activities for all walks of Ascended. Best of all, there are brand-new rewards to earn this year! [h1]Summerfest Activities[/h1] [list] [*]Scavenger Hunts[/*] [*]Swarmlord Khargroth Battles[/*] [*]Seasonal Quests[/*] [*]Artifact Piñatas[/*] [*]Mitch the Artifact Attractor Minion[/*] [*]All New Items[/*] [/list] [h1]What is Summerfest?[/h1] You may be wondering what Summerfest is, and its origins. In modern times, Summerfest is the holiday that marks the longest days of summer. Ascended continue to celebrate ancient traditions and have fun, even in the sweltering heat. This of course, helps ease the stress of the near-constant threats against Telara. [h1]Origin of Summerfest[/h1] While some of the history is lost to time, many scholars believe that Summerfest dates back to ancient elven rituals involving burning sacrifices inside wicker figures. Of course, most elves would prefer to forget these barbaric references to their past. In fact, such practices are now forbidden by both High Elves and Kelari alike, although sometimes alluded to by disgruntled Dwarves. What remains in modern Telara is a celebration of flames for all Ascended to enjoy. So don’t be late! The festivities won’t last long. Play RIFT for FREE and don’t forget to check out the in-game seasonal store for even more Summerfest goodies!