[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/32be70101e550d6eace39bd1aa7cf17c1fc88bcf.jpg[/img] Some Grinch-like critters tried to steal Fae Yule but the brave techno-elves of Trion fought back and we are EXTENDING [url=/rift/?p=3804]Fae Yule[/url] for all! We know that a number of people have had issues with disconnects and lag over the past weeks, and we felt your pain as well. The folks who perpetrate DDOS attacks care nothing for the people who are just trying to have fun in games. It's an ongoing battle in our online world, but our security and technical staff have made great strides over this past week, in hopes of a happy holiday break! We thank you for your patience and invite you to enjoy Fae Yule until 3:30 PM PST (UTC -8), Thursday, January 11th! Don't miss out on any of the [url=/rift/?p=3804]amazing activities, challenges, specials and presents[/url]! A special thanks to [b]Tacitus[/b] for taking time while on PTO and in the middle of a move to make this extension happen! We raise a glass of traditional Fae yule MEEEEAAAAAD to you! ~Brasse