[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//2480908/71d250d3767bb78662fba4466a011912a30e383f.jpg[/img] Greetings, Ascended, Welcome to the Cherry Blossom Tales Dimension Contest, where your stories are voiced through a dimension of your creation. For a limited time only, take part in the dimension contest to highlight your decoration skills and earn amazing prizes! [b]How do I participate?[/b] [olist] [*] Get into RIFT and pick your favourite dimension. [*] Decorate your dimension with as many pink decorations as possible. [*] Take one or more screenshots of your dimension and submit them to the #[url=https://canary.discord.com/channels/803951699626426399/1238107396581228646]cherry-blossom-tales[/url] channel on Discord or use the #RIFTCherryTales24 hashtag on X (formerly known as Twitter) or Facebook. [*] Include a short story with your entry that may or may not be related to the dimension itself. [*] Include your Character Name, Shard and Region. [*] You are good to go! [/olist] [b]Are there any rules?[/b] [olist] [*] Feel free to use an existing Dimension, but fresh decorations are encouraged! [*] Your entry must adhere to the theme of the colour pink. [*] (BONUS) Including a short story with your entry is not a requirement but it will make it more likely for an entry to win. [*] Inappropriate or offensive content is strictly forbidden. [*] Image editing is allowed, as long as your entry remains visible. [*] Not including Character, Shard and Region will make you ineligible to receive a reward. [/olist] [b]What are the rewards?[/b] The top three (3) participants will receive the following rewards: 1st Place – Dimension Contest First Place + 3000 Credits 2nd Place – Dimension Contest Second Place + 3000 Credits 3rd Place – Dimension Contest Third Place + 3000 Credits The entry period will close on May 31, 2024, 22:59 UTC and winners will be announced on June 7, 2024. [url=https://forum.glyph.net/terms-of-participation-contest-en/]General Terms of Participation apply[/url]. [url=https://www.trionworlds.com/rift/community/cherry-blossom-tales-detailed-information/]Detailed Information[/url].