[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2480908/d055f7a11c23a1cb880636571d66cded6a29ac8c.jpg[/img] Check out what you can expect with RIFT’s newest challenge: Challenge IV! Ready or not, Challenge IV is here! Beginning Wednesday, June 20, 2018 and lasting through Friday, July 20, 2018 participate in several summer-lovin’ Telaran activities for a chance to claim new, unique in-game titles. [h1]Planar Protector[/h1] Get in there and close some Rifts! It’s the name of the game, after all! [list] [*]Fully seal 120 Rifts from the following categories (must be conned green): [list] [*]Seal 20 Air Rifts[/*] [*]Seal 20 Fire Rifts[/*] [*]Seal 20 Water Rifts[/*] [*]Seal 20 Earth Rifts[/*] [*]Seal 20 Death Rifts[/*] [*]Seal 20 Life Rifts[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Claim victory in 20 Zone Events[/*] [/list] Reward: Closing these Rifts and being victorious in 20 Zone Events will award you the “Planar Protector” Prefix Title. [h1]Primus[/h1] For those PvP lovers out there, this challenge has something for you, too. [list] [*]Win 30 Warfronts[/*] [*]Gain 30,000 Favor[/*] [/list] Reward: Getting your PvP on and doing the above will earn you the “Primus” prefix title. [h1]Prime Artisan[/h1] Not a fan of killing monsters or other players? We’ve got you covered, too. [list] [*]Earn 3 Master Craftsman Marks[/*] [/list] Reward: Get crafting and earn 3 Master Craftsman Marks to earn the “Prime Artisan” prefix title. The goals of these challenges must be completed during the timeframe of the challenge itself. Any Rifts closed, players killed, or marks collected before the start date or after the end date will not count towards Challenge IV. So, get out there and RIFT on!