Or, at least, like a PC game from 2007 should have look. Sadly the 2007 PC port of what’s widely considered Resident Evil’s finest hour was a half-hearted, shonky, perfunctory thing, and today’s announcement of an ‘Ultimate HD’ version should really be interpreted as an apology that’s seven years too late rather than a cause for celebration. Capcom’s new version promises a solid 60 frames per second, ‘a complete visual overhaul’ and the bestest graphics ever for a game originally released in 2005, and which has since been ported to every platform in the world ever and probably a few which don’t exist yet too. Have a look below. It looks decent enough for sure, but yeah, it ain’t hiding its 2007iness.
Resi Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition = Like A PC Game From 2007
Author: contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alec Meer),
published 10 years ago,