[h2]—Bug Fixes—[/h2] [- Online -] - Fixed an issue where some Steam players were incorrectly notified that they needed to link their Steam account to an Epic account to play online. [i]DEV NOTE: There is no requirement to link a Steam account to an Epic account to play Remnant II online. This message was incorrectly occurring for a small portion of players and preventing them from connecting to multiplayer games.[/i] [- UI -] - Added a warning if using RivaTuner, as it could potentially cause the game to crash. [i]DEV NOTE: This warning message will only show up if RivaTuner is actively running. If it is, it will often cause Remnant II to crash immediately, however in some cases the crash is delayed. There has been some confirmation that the latest version and beta versions of RivaTuner have been compatible with Remnant II and won’t cause a crash, however each PC is different. This message about RivaTuner can be disabled.[/i]