Dear World Leaders! We are here to bring you even more insights about the latest changes and expansions we've made to the political layer in Realpolitiks 3. Our goal was to create a more complex and realistic system of state management that allows you to dive even deeper into the world of global politics. We've prepared many new features that will change your approach to governing a country and making political decisions. Here’s what you can expect in Realpolitiks 3. [b]Political Systems[/b] In Realpolitiks 3, we’ve expanded the political systems, which now include five main parameters: Personal Control, Militarism, Interventionism, Religiousness, and Conservatism. Each of these parameters reflects the extent to which citizens are guided by a particular ideology. The values of these parameters can range from 0 to 100, meaning that society can be entirely opposed to an idea or fully embrace it. Political systems have a huge impact on how a country is governed. Each system offers unique bonuses and limitations, as well as access to special projects, events, and actions available only within that system. Moreover, in this part of the game, we’ve significantly increased the number of available political systems. In addition to the ones you’re already familiar with, Realpolitiks 3 introduces new systems such as Military Junta, Empire, Elective Monarchy, Theocracy, Oligarchy, Communism, and many others. Each of these systems has its own unique rules about who holds power in the country and how the legislative process is managed. This allows you to tailor your governance style even more to your preferences and the situation in your country. [b]Constitution[/b] The constitution in Realpolitiks 3 is one of the key elements of the gameplay. It determines the status of various laws and regulations in the country, such as voting rights, immigration policy, or issues related to slavery. Changing the constitution is a serious challenge that requires the approval of the parliament. Each change can lead to social unrest, and in extreme cases, even to revolution. Therefore, decisions related to the constitution will have a huge impact on the stability of the state and its future. [img][/img] The constitution also affects relations with political parties, the level of discontent in society, and the availability of certain actions. For example, it may restrict or enable certain player actions, making effective management of the constitution crucial for successful governance. [b]Ministries and Political Parties[/b] The government in Realpolitiks 3 is made up of not just institutions, but also their people – the politicians who run the country. Each member of the government has unique traits and skills that can affect the functioning of the state. The effects of their actions are modified by the position they hold, meaning that the proper selection of ministers and other government members can significantly impact the efficiency of managing the country. [img][/img] We’ve also introduced a robust system of political parties in Realpolitiks 3. Each party has its political program based on a combination of the country’s internal parameters, such as Personal Control or Militarism. The closer these parameters align with a party’s program, the more seats it will win in parliament during elections. Political parties have their preferences and goals, which may support or oppose the player’s decisions. Introducing certain decisions, such as declaring war or implementing specific projects, will require at least a 51% majority vote in parliament. The player can also lobby parties to sway them towards certain decisions, although this will cost both money and action points. [b]Politicians and Their Ideologies[/b] Politicians in Realpolitiks 3 gain experience, which can be exchanged for new skills. These skills affect the entire country, bringing special effects or bonuses. However, politicians can also acquire negative traits and flaws that may complicate governance. The player will have to make tough decisions about whether to keep such politicians in power, especially if their flaws could harm the country. In totalitarian states, the situation can be even more complex, as some leaders, like kings or emperors, cannot be easily removed – they will remain in power until their death, whether due to natural causes, enemy actions, or the actions of your allies. [img][/img] Every politician in the game has a randomly assigned ideology that influences their decisions and development. In Realpolitiks 3, we’ve introduced many different ideologies, such as Democrat, Traditionalist, Populist, Man of the People, Patriot, Isolationist, and Chauvinist. Each of these ideologies has its own talent tree that can accelerate the acquisition of Destiny Points, change the direction of ideology development, or unlock additional Executive Orders. Politicians gain experience over time and by performing specific diplomatic actions, and the experience points earned can be used to unlock new talents. [b]Way of Life and National Heritage[/b] The Way of Life in Realpolitiks 3 is a new system that defines the long-term attitudes and expectations of society. The Way of Life parameters are not directly linked to the current political system but rather reflect the direction in which society is heading. Politicians influence these parameters through their ideologies, and their modifiers determine the direction in which the Way of Life spectrum moves. Players can also use Destiny Points to unlock special talents from the National Heritage tree, which offer permanent bonuses for the entire game. [b]Political Stability and Influence[/b] Political stability is a crucial parameter in Realpolitiks 3, reflecting the degree of internal order in the country. Stability affects the state through a series of modifiers, but it also serves as a condition that can either block or unlock access to certain actions. High stability means greater control over the country and less risk of unrest, while low stability can lead to chaos and destabilization. We’ve also introduced a new resource – Political Influence Points, which regulate access to certain options, such as special actions. A country has a limited pool of Influence Points, which are used during the execution of a particular action and then released after its completion. The player must manage this resource wisely to make key decisions at the right moments. [b]Protests and Revolutions[/b] In situations where the government struggles to address internal problems or when enemies of the nation incite citizens, protests can break out. In Realpolitiks 3, protests pose a real threat to the country’s stability and can lead to serious consequences. The player has several options to deal with protests: negotiations, delaying tactics, meeting demands, or pacification. Each of these options has its pros and cons, and the choice will depend on the political situation and the country’s constitution. If protests continue to grow and the player fails to control them, they can escalate into a revolution. Revolutions are one of the most drastic events that can completely change the balance of power in the country. They can lead to new elections, changes in the government, or even changes in the constitution. In extreme cases, revolutions can cause the collapse of the state and the rise of new political forces. We hope these new mechanics will provide you with even more exciting and complex gameplay in Realpolitiks 3. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions, which will help us make the game even better! We will be sharing even more news and sneak peeks soon - if you want to stay up to date, wishlist the game here on Steam and come join us on the official [url=]Realpolitiks HQ Discord server[/url], we would love to hear what you think! We will see you on the world stage soon - on Earth, in space, and beyond!