Dear Comrades, We've closely monitored the feedback from our Ratten Reich demo during the Steam Festival, and it's clear the experience fell short of expectations. Frankly, we pushed this demo out in haste to meet the festival deadline, relying on internal QA assessments that indicated stability on our systems. However, your feedback has been a crucial wake-up call. Acknowledging this, we've made the difficult decision to withdraw the demo from the festival. We extend our deepest apologies for any frustration this has caused. It's disheartening for us to see our community not enjoying the game as intended. This project is our debut, fueled by immense passion, and we're committed to getting it right. We're inviting you to join our Discord community to actively participate in shaping the game into something we'll all treasure. Plans are in place to conduct more closed tests, and we aim to involve as many of you as possible. Your insights will be invaluable. Many of you have highlighted game-breaking bugs and performance issues, some of which we're aware of and others that are revelations. Rest assured, ongoing developments, including more stylized voice effects to match the characters' appearances (imagine more distinct, hissy rat voices), are in the works alongside additional features. Your direct feedback on Discord, particularly in the demo feedback section, will be instrumental in guiding these improvements. We're earnestly asking for your help and feedback to ensure we learn from this experience. Our commitment to not repeating these mistakes is unwavering. Thank you for your understanding and support. We're eager to collaborate with you and earn back your trust. Warm regards, METALLADLERSTUDIO Team