[i]First of all, sorry for the delay. I promised this update would be available in late August, but a critical bug prevented me to launch it. Now that the bug is fixed, I can publish it. Have fun![/i] This update for RAT MEMORY DEMO brings many improvements and some content! [b]NEW:[/b] [h2]A new level![/h2] This is a exploration level - find the coins in this not so colorful level to unlock the star. [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/42467984/9d5722e3df0fae1bbe713de33bc88e8601ad03cd.png[/img] [list] [*] Added level selection menu in main menu. [*] Added button to reset camera view. [*] Added full gamepad support to menus. [*] You can close menus with your pause button. [*] Added some settings, like sensitivity of camera, ability to invert the camera controls, gamma correction and audio volume. [*] Added checkpoints in old level. [*] Added Quero Games logo in credits. [/list] [b]CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] I changed the jump slightly - you should be able to reach the same height, but maybe at a lower speed [i]Thanks for the feedback people![/i]. [*] The change above also fix the character staying forever in air when stuck in a border. [*] Moved easter-egg in old level to a better position. [*] Moved player starting point in old level to a better position. [*] Changed color of default controls screen. [*] Game size is lower - about 600 MB instead of 1.94GB. [/list] [b]FIXES:[/b] [list] [*] Camera has a different position. [i]Thanks for the feedback people![/i] [*] Changed some visuals in old level. [i]Thanks for the feedback people![/i] [*] Fix for a bug pressing ESC in main menu. [/list] [i]Please note that some texts aren't translated in all languages, and I'm sorry for this.[/i] You can win the full game by playing this level! Details [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1953100/view/3328744607317009389]here[/url] Follow Quero Games on [url=https://twitter.com/querogames]Twitter[/url] for more updates and news.